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Is Webflow Better Than Wix?


With so many web design platforms available, it can be challenging to determine which platform will best suit your unique business needs. Most web design platforms like WordPress or Squarespace offer standard features that would benefit any business, like low-code and no-code drag-and-drop format and pre-coded templates. But makes one better than the other? That largely depends on your business needs and what kind of website you want to build.

Webflow stands out among development platforms for allowing users to easily design and build a website quickly through visual canvases, ultimately bridging the gap between development and design.

Conversely, Wix is a more user-friendly platform for beginners looking for a more straightforward development process. Ultimately, Webflow is better for those who want to design and develop a more customized website.

What is the Main Difference between Webflow and Wix?

The main difference between Webflow and Wix is their respective levels of complexity. Webflow is designed for users with more experience in web design and development. While both platforms allow users to design and develop a website without using a single line of code, Webflow’s design platform offers more flexibility and customization options through custom code using coding languages like JavaScript through Webflow’s HTML and CSS editor. Webflow University also provides video tutorials to help you make the most of Webflow’s advanced features.

Wix, on the other hand, is created with beginners in mind. Users without coding or designing experience can develop a website using pre-code templates and automated functions through the visual drag-and-drop functionality. Unlike Webflow, Wix does not offer as many customization options or plugins, which makes it difficult for businesses that need more complex or custom designs.

How Does Webflow Compare to Wix?

When comparing two web development platforms, there are several facets to analyze to determine which platform best serves your unique business needs.


Both offer various monthly plans that cater to different business needs. Some basic plans are similarly priced; however, Wix has cheaper ones. Webflow provides a greater variety, including enterprise plans that allow you to customize which features are necessary to address your business needs. Webflow also offers a free plan that provides all the basics you need to get started with your website, while Wix only offers paid plans. Overall, Webflow’s pricing can be a bit more complicated, but the trade-off is more flexible features and more options for customized pricing.

Customization & Features

One of the major benefits of Webflow is how it combines design and development in one platform. The visual interface lets you see what you are building in real time, making creating and previewing responsive websites easier. Plus, using Webflow’s HTML and CSS editor, you can customize any pre-coded templates and integrations by adding features or animations that reflect your brand and products well. Webflow also offers SEO tools, page password protection, and e-commerce solutions.

Wix, on the other hand, lacks the customization freedoms that Webflow has due to its more simple, streamlined development approach. A basic Wix plan will grant users access to a custom domain, 2 GB of storage space, and video hours. Wix also offers web design assistance through their Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence). While certain website elements can be customized through custom code, limitations exist. There are also limitations regarding which third-party apps or integrations you can use with Wix, as only a select few are supported through their platform.

User Experience

Because Webflow was designed with more experienced developers in mind, there is a steeper learning curve when designing, developing, and editing your website through its platform. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is necessary to take full advantage of Webflow’s customization abilities.

Developing a Wix website is more straightforward due to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and pre-coded templates. Wix compromises on customization options for a more accessible user experience.

Why Choose Webflow over Wix?

Webflow is an excellent choice for businesses that have a specific vision for their brand and website and the talent and desire to customize it accordingly. With Webflow, you trade a more beginner-friendly experience for a more customized and flexible website.

You may already have a development team and are looking into building a new site that will support your vision and offer features that will streamline the process of managing your website. While Webflow is less beginner-friendly, it is a great choice for those with a more elaborate vision for website design and those looking for excellent SEO features.

Why Choose Wix over Webflow?

If you are a small business looking to create an online store with limited development talent, Wix is the optimal choice. Wix’s website-building process was designed for ease of use to streamline the process of creating a basic and functional website for your business through its drag-and-drop editor. With a user-friendly development experience, companies can opt for Wix’s e-commerce plan and access various e-commerce features like selling up to 50,000 products, setting up abandoned cart recovery, and more.

While there are limits to how much customization you can achieve through Wix, you can access Wix’s app market, which has over 300 web apps to enhance your website.

Wix also offers 24/7 customer support to ensure you have the website builder support you need to build your website.


Choosing a design platform for your website can be overwhelming with the number of choices today. Both Webflow and Wix are excellent platforms that offer e-commerce features, the ability to build a website without a single line of code, and their own CMS.

One of the main differences between Wix and Webflow is the user experience and flexibility. Webflow was designed with more experienced developers in mind and allows users to customize templates through their HTML and CSS editors. On the other hand, Wix is more beginner-friendly but limits how much you can customize your site. While it is necessary to have coding knowledge to make the most out of Webflow’s platform, Webflow offers freedom and flexibility for businesses that have a unique vision for how they want to present their brand and showcase their products.

Wix provides a more user-friendly experience, while Webflow offers flexibility with both the development process and the pricing plans.

For those looking for a simple web development platform that will help them develop a functional website without the hassle of a development team, Wix is the best option. For those with a unique vision who want to create a more elaborate website to showcase their brands and products, Webflow is the better choice.

At NYMBL, we blend our mastery of Webflow with stunning designs to produce visually striking, top-performing websites customized for major corporations. Learn more about our web development service with that link!

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